New - Older - Profile - Email - Guestbook - Diaryland

07/18/2002 01/31/2002 - Theory in Progress
01/30/2002 - Indeed
01/29/2002 - In Defense of Technology
01/28/2002 - _____'s friend/girlfriend/boyfriend/room mate/parent/sibling
01/28/2002 - I have a Headache
01/27/2002 - Fame
01/26/2002 - Friends
01/26/2002 - Teen Movie
01/25/2002 - So it goes
01/25/2002 - New Communication
01/24/2002 - Generation Gap
01/24/2002 - A Camel and A Smell
01/23/2002 - A Progression
01/23/2002 - Food
01/22/2002 - Travel
01/22/2002 - Activity
01/21/2002 - Morals
01/21/2002 - ATM
01/20/2002 - I'm Back
01/20/2002 - Disappointment
01/19/2002 - Flirtation
01/19/2002 - For My Friends
01/18/2002 - Generations
01/18/2002 - Calm
01/17/2002 - Irony
01/16/2002 - Depression
01/16/2002 - I think I'll Start a hitlist
01/16/2002 - Blah People
01/15/2002 - Freedom
01/15/2002 - The Future
01/14/2002 - Outside
01/14/2002 - Hooking-up
01/13/2002 - My Family
01/13/2002 - Old Friends
01/12/2002 - Conservatory vs. Liberal Arts
01/12/2002 - Sam the Man
01/10/2002 - Don DeLillo
01/10/2002 - Coming Out
01/09/2002 - Maslow
01/09/2002 - Privacy
01/08/2002 - Activity
01/08/2002 - Family and Thanks
01/07/2002 - Adult Parties
01/07/2002 - Dreaming and Apologies
01/06/2002 - More about my Mother
01/06/2002 - EgoMom
01/05/2002 - College Student
01/05/2002 - seriousness
01/04/2002 - My Mother #1
01/04/2002 - Sexism
01/04/2002 - Relationships
01/02/2002 - Kids
01/02/2002 - Motion
01/01/2002 - New Years

Current Month
May & June 2002
April 2002
March 2002
February 2002
January 2002
November & December 2001